Swee Desi
Initial Ask – Rs. 40 lacs for 3% equity at a valuation of Rs. 13.33 Cr.
About the Company
Aiming to deliver ‘Pyaaz Kachori’ and ‘Malai Ghewar’ of Jaipur, ‘Rosogolla’ and ‘Sondesh’ of West Bengal, ‘Peda’ from Mathura and the likes in 24 hours of order to their doorstep, this company plays on the factor called ‘consumer delight’. Regional players famous in respective cities are approached for their products, and these are then delivered in 24 hours. Their packaging is very great in quality, which again adds on to the factor of consumer satisfaction. This is the reason they get 85% repeat customers.
However, the company has not done enough marketing yet. The only problem this company can face is when it scales up, it won’t have enough supply from the local players to cater to 200 orders per day. Also, this may seem like a rare order case scenario, because we won’t order such delight every now and then.
Past performance of the Company
Their average order value is Rs. 700, at which they receive 30 orders per day.
Industry Overview
This Industry has a wide cutomer base but the challenges in this industry is that the demand for a variety of sweets is a seasonal phenomenon depending on the occurence of festivals. Since delivering will take place across cities, it might be difficult to have a control over the supply side. Also cold storage will be a problem in this industry. However, establishing a wide chain of small sweet shops in different cities might be a great opportunity for this industry as it would solve the challenges that have been mentioned earlier.
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